
Photo Sep 14, 2 21 11 PM

Our Story

Over here at Camp Wag, we go out of our way to create a comfortable and fun space for our canine friends.  We started off intending to foster one dog at a time, but were quickly introduced to the huge numbers of homeless, abused, and neglected dogs in our region.  On average we were fostering over 50 dogs a year.  It was also apparent that the rescue efforts of so many wonderful people were still not enough to cover the significant number of dogs needing help.  So we decided to do more.  To expand our efforts to provide loving care to these animals, we converted a horse barn on our property to a dedicated dog resort, with themed suites, plenty of dog specific furniture and toys to practice on, and outdoor runs on covered back porches.  In other words, a Camp where we strive to make each room a slice of their future home, guide our dogs how to behave around their future families, and carefully consider each application we receive to ensure they go to the home where they can be the best dog they can be.  We cherish them all!

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